Family & Relationship Law 20 May 2020

Should I proceed with separation?

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This is a strange time indeed but in many respects life still goes on whether we like it or not.

It is still work as usual for me as family lawyer as the current climate does not make things any easier for my clients and in most cases makes things more difficult.

My clients still need advice and help seeking assistance to resolve disputes whether it be parenting, property, short term financial assistance, child support or even applying for a divorce.

What is important right now is to factor into any discussions, in whatever specific area of family law you are seeking assistance with, that it is an unusual time and some practical considerations will be necessary for all parties if you wish to resolve the issue you are currently facing.

That includes, for example, thinking outside the box regarding parenting and property arrangements, considering your negotiation strategies and perhaps when it might be the most beneficial time to implement any agreement reached.  For example, agreements can be reached with a delayed implementation date such as when a home might be sold.

It is difficult even in the best of times to start negotiating a settlement or contemplating a separation particularly given the complex emotional issues that flow from that decision but putting things off is rarely beneficial.

Some family law matters are able to be resolved in a few weeks however many family law matters will be negotiated over several months.

But if you are at that point where you wish to start the process or you have concerns after a recent separation about your short term financial position, parenting or other family law matter, I am here to assist and provide experienced family law advice.

Negotiating parenting and/or property disputes is continuing via telephone calls and letters to other lawyers.  Mediation and settlement conferences are being scheduled and Court hearings are occurring where appropriate.

Mediations and Court events are conducted a little differently to usual, as at present it is not  appropriate to be in person in court, however these events are still being arranged and I am managing these as effectively and efficiently as possible via telephone conferences and Skype meetings.

In a nutshell, if you wish to proceed with a separation or you have separated and wish to start the process to resolve all of your family law issues and concerns, you can still start that process with confidence and in some ways you may even prefer less direct communication.

To discuss how I can assist you with your family law queries, issues and/or concerns please contact me at or call 03 5273 5273.

How are our family lawyers operating in the family law department now?

Despite the very strange time we find ourselves in our family lawyers are operating as usual.  Each of our family lawyers have been set up to work remotely from home.  This is nothing new for most of us as we often work in different offices (Geelong and Melbourne) and from home depending on our daily work requirements and our client needs.

We are continuing to work with our clients by liaising with them by telephone, Skype and/or by email to ensure the complex and emotional issues in family law are still be negotiated and resolved.

Where appropriate the negotiation of parenting and/or property disputes is continuing via telephone calls and letters to other lawyers, mediation and settlement conferences and even Court hearings if required.

We continue to offer potential clients a complimentary 30 minute initial consultation and do so via telephone and/or Skype, depending on client preferences.

Anne O’Loughlin.
Anne O’Loughlin Managing Principal Family & Relationship Law View profile
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