News 18 October 2022

Recalibrate Gender Equity Awards

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We are so proud to share that Coulter Legal is a Recalibrate Gender Equity Award finalist! We have been recognised for the policies and behaviours implemented at CL that are making a difference.

Managing Principal, Anne O’Loughlin, says “I am very proud to lead an innovative law firm which has a focus on diversity including a solid commitment to gender equality.  As a mark of that commitment our Leadership team comprises 50 % women.   I am also very proud that we offer a range of flexible working options across all levels of the business, including part time leadership positions, which reflects our vision that lawyers will be promoted based on merit as opposed to being in a position to work full time”.

“Coulter Legal actively promotes flexibility as we are aware of the many competing demands our team has in juggling work, family and personal needs.  Coulter Legal maintains that a focus on flexibility leads to a work life balance which allows our team to meet the needs of family and ensure that they are healthy physically and mentally by being in  apposition to enjoy their time away from work”.

“Our flexible working arrangements allow our team to vary start and finish times, compressed working weeks, work part time hours and work from home or from an office closer to their own home”.

“I will continue to ensure that as a firm we focus on gender equality into the future”.

Winners will be announced at the awards evening on 16 November at Crown Casino.


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